Jasmine - the flower we deserve

Ever have a moment where you could do anything to rid yourself of the agony of pre-menstrual pains, or for some of you out there, the labour pains? Well, we've found the cure (not really a cure, just a little bit of relief)
The fragrant white jasmine blossoms come from an evergreen shrub grown all over Asia, and maybe even in a patch of your own garden. Jasmine symbolizes the sweetness of a woman and is the flower most used in perfumery. The sweet aroma is euphoric.

Jasmine uplifts the soul; it is used as a sign of friendship and as a Buddhist offering in Thailand. Indonesian women weave the flowers into newly washed and oiled hair to infuse it with perfume. Here's the best part - it relieves pre-menstrual mood swings and pains as well as labour pains when applied as a compress. It softens dry skin and reduces stretch marks. It unearths compassion and inspires artistic creativity. Use the oil in a burner, in massage, or in the bath to feel seductive.