Cracked Heels?
Cracked heels are a common problem. They look disgusting. There are many reasons for cracked but more often than not, its just carelessness.

Most Common Causes that Lead to Cracked Heels:
Continuous exposure to water, thick dry scaly skin loses elasticity with age, uncomfortable shoes, standing for long periods, change in walking posture, unhygienic conditions, dry scaly skin due to climate or diseases, over weight, deficiency of vitamins, minerals and zinc. The list goes on...
Generally they don’t pose any dangers to your general health but in case of severity they bleed and cause pain that needs your careful attention. You can effectively cure and prevent cracked heels by following some simple home remedies. Here are some simple and effective home remedies for cracked heels which may work for you. The key as always is consistency.
- Squeeze one lemon in a ¼ bucket of water, soak your feet weekly twice and wash your feet using pumice stone and soap.
- Massage your heels with coconut oil or sesame oil before going to bed in the night. Scrub properly and rinse off in the morning.
- Mix papaya and lemon juice, apply on the affected area and wash off after 20 minutes.
- Soak your feet in warm water with a little soap in it for 15 minutes, it loosens the dry skin and wash off using pumice stone.
- Apply the pulp of a ripe banana on the affected area, leave it for 10 to 15 minutes and wash it properly. It helps in fast healing.
- Mix half avocado and half cup coconut cream to a blender to form a thick and creamy paste. Avocados and coconuts are rich in several essential oils and fat soluble vitamins. This paste will help to provide your skin with the vitamins and oils it requires to stay soft and well moisturized. This paste can be used to treat as well as prevent dry cracked heels.
- A daily routine of cleaning and moisturizing is a good cure for dry or cracked heels. At the end of the day soak the feet in warm soapy water for about 15 minutes. Rinse feet and pat dry. Make a healing mixture : one teaspoon Vaseline and the juice of one lemon. Rub this mixture onto the cracked heels and other required areas of the feet till it is thoroughly absorbed. This can be done daily until visible results are obtained. It is best to apply this mixture to your feet right before you go to bed. You can then pull on a pair of thick woolen socks will help to keep your body heat to cure cracks fasten by absorbing mixture and protect your linen from getting stained. You can exfoliate your skin before and after you use this mixture. This will allow you to easily slough off the dead skin the next morning.
- A regular application of a mixture of glycerin and rosewater is known to soothe and cure cracked heels.
- Exfoliate your feet on a regular basis. Avoid harsh cosmetic exfoliating scrubs and instead you can make your own gentle and natural scrub with a handful of coarse flour, add a few spoons of raw honey to the mixture along with enough apple cider vinegar to obtain a thick paste. If the cracks are very deep, you can add a spoon of olive oil or sweet almond oil to the paste. Soak your feet for 20 minutes and then gently massage them with this paste. The vinegar will help to dissolve the thickened layers of dead skin while the rice flour will gently abrade the top layer of dead skin. Honey and olive oil act as natural moisturizers and will help to keep the skin on your feet soft and moisturized and this will prevent further cracking.
- Make your own moisturizing cracked heel cream by mixing together a spoon of olive oil along with a few drops of lemon oil or lavender oil. Pour this blend of oils into a small bottle and add an equal amount of water to it. Shake the contents thoroughly so that the water and oil form a thick milky solution. Use this solution as and when it is needed. Make sure that you shake the solution before you use it.
All of these are great remedies, but find what works for you and stick to it. Working this into your routine is better than coming back to square one every six months. If nothing else, just moisturize your beet before bed and sleep with cotton socks on. Invest in proper walking shoes and scrub your feet in the shower every morning.
Preventions for Cracked Heels:
• Alternate hot and cold water for a feet bath to soothe the feet
• After a shower, apply a little moisturizer to your heels as this will help to seal in moisture and prevent cracking.
• Exercise your feet regularly
• Avoid walking bare foot as much as possible
•Avoid wearing thin soled or backed shoes if you are developing cracked heels.
•Use pumice stone on your heels thrice a week to remove the dead skin from your heels.
•Drink lots of water to keep your skin hydrated. It keeps your skin soft and supple preventing dryness of skin that results in cracks.
•Give a foot massage and foot bath to your feet twice a week to keep the surrounding skin soft and healthy.
• Soak your feet in warm water at least once a week as this will help to increase blood circulation to your feet. You can add a spoon of fresh mint leaf juice to the water for relief from dry cracked heels.
•Always keep your feet clean , wash and moisturize it properly whenever you come from outside.