Traditional Honey-Cucumber Facial
The principle ingredients of this facial - honey, lime and cucumber - have good reputation with healers throughout the centuries. It helps heal skin, softens and moisturizes, and helps nourish the skin. Used in conjunction with each other, these three natural ingredients reduce the discomforts of skin irritation and stem infection while promoting new cell growth.
This simple and sensual facial will leave your skin feeling soft and plump. All of it, from the comfort of your own home.
For Scrub 1 cup (8 oz) clear honey
10 drops fresh lime juice
1 medium sized cucumber, thinly sliced
1. Cleanse your face with warm water and a soft cloth.
2. Mix the honey and lime juice together and massage it into your face for 15 minutes. The lime will peel away at the surface cells and the honey will help soften the skin.
3. Wipe away the residue of the honey with a wet, warm cloth. Pat dry.
4. Neatly place the cucumber slices over your face and neck. Covering your eyes and mouth is optional. They feel cool while they tighten your skin and moisturize.
5. Finish with a moisturizer (optional).
So there you have it. An easy, relaxing facial right in your home! Don't forget you can also eat cucumbers and honey and lime (not the stuff you made for the facial, but in general). It's all good for you.